Thursday 25 August 2016



Below are examples of acupuncture points used in treating certain forms of edema.

Edema caused by qi stagnation and the constriction of blood vessels:  He Gu (LI4), Nei Guan (P6), Tan Zhong (Ren17), Tai Chong (Liv3), Yin Ling Quan (Sp 9), Zu San Li (S 36), San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Xue Hai (Sp10) and Shui Fen (Ren 9).

Edema caused by wind-dampness: San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Yang Ling Quan (Du3), Feng Fu (Du16), Feng Chi (G20), Feng Shi (G31), Yin Ling Quan (Sp 9), Zu San Li (S36) and Zhong Wan (Ren12).
Edema caused an inefficient spleen: Nei Guan (P6), Yin Ling Quan (Sp9), San Yin Jiao (Sp6), Nei Ting (S44), Zhong Wan (Ren12), Zhang Men (Liv13) and Zu San Li (S36).

Edema experienced during pregnancy: Yin Ling Quan (Sp9), Zu San Li (S36), Pi Shu (B20), and Shen Shu (B23).

Edema experienced during menstruation: Pi Shu (B20), Tong Tian (UB7), Guan Yuan (Ren4), and Ming Men (Du4).

An example of how acupuncture is used to treat edema can be seen from the moxibustion treatment of pedal oedema. The acupuncture points favored are Spleen 9 and Stomach 36.
Spleen 9 is found below, but on the inside of, the knee. It is a point situated below the medial condyle bone of the knee. Stomach 36, on the other hand, is found on the shin bone, a few inches below the knuckle of the knee.
During treatment, a smoldering moxa stick is held a couple of inches above these points for 5 minutes. This is repeated over the course of a week.
Herbs are also commonly used in acupuncture treatment of edema. Usually, they are decoctions containing herbs known for their diuretic properties and the ability to stimulate blood circulation.

How Does It Work: 

An acupuncturist is able to identify and treat the underlying deficiencies and imbalances that cause edema, by utilizing both herbs and acupuncture. 

As edema is usually considered as a symptom of a ‘deficient’ condition in Chinese medicine, it would likely require 10-12 sittings to achieve a lasting effect. 

Western medicine looks at edema from a different perspective. It simply considers it as an abnormal buildup of fluid beneath the skin, or in one or more cavities of the body. 

Generally, the amount of fluid is determined by homeostasis; and the enhanced secretion of fluid into interstitial spaces or impaired removal of this fluid causes edema. Acupuncture treats the underlying metabolic imbalances that result in edema. 

In Chinese Medicine, edema has two varieties: Qi Edema and Water Edema. Your acupuncturist will be able to assess which type of edema you have and the organ systems that are affected. He will accordingly choose the right acupuncture points and herbal formula for you. 

Wednesday 3 August 2016


 sulphur is the most extreme in intellectual abilities. Sulphur patients have unusualy gifted mental abilities from the day they are born. Some sulphurs are: Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Samuel Hahnemann, Abraham Lincoln, and Socrates.

Among our great leaders, inventors, scientists, gurus, and mathematicians, there have been many sulphurs. The scholar, the creative genius, the eccentric, the impulsive artist; all have minds that flow profusely into metaphysics, theories, and equations. All are famous for answering in long-winded sentences.

 Hahnemann calls sulphur "the king of antipsorics". 

The greatest egos come from the sulphur type, but this is the motivating force that keeps him mobile, stimulated, focused, and driven. Such great leaders are self motivated and do not look to follow another but set the pace for others to follow. This intense ego, if imbalanced, is destructive, obsessive, irritable, insecure, negative, and a hypocondriac. To criticize an unbalanced sulphur is volatile. You cannot argue with a sulphur type due to the strong will and obstinate personality combined within a dictionary of wuick witted vocabulary words. So here, you have the two basic extremes of polarity.

Emotional and mental states of imbalance cause organic derangements in the physical realm. Sulphur is impatient with those around him. Always on the move, full of brilliant ideas, alchemists call sulphur "the heat and force of everything."

In homeopathy, sulphur is used to push out symptoms ("bring to maturity"). For example: clearing up skin imbalances due to suppressive topical lotions, or suppressive emotional and mental imbalance; a phenomenon that happens when the vibration of the homeopathic sulphur remedy neutralizes the vibration of the disease.

All of one's traits become "real" under stress of an emotion. When a
sulphur is suppressed, mentally and emotionally the unconscious side of them makes an appearance. The alter ego sets in; its spirits, its demons (Lucifer), and its flaws all become visible. This is when it is easy to detect a sulphur. The worst thing to do to a sulphur is to cause sufficating suppression of any type. To suppress their imagination, creativity, ego, and spirit will degenerate a sulphur's fire. The physical body becomes full of discomforts and starts to adapt to its miserable situation, becoming ill with disease, irritable and difficult to live with.

1. Sulphur is an extremely hot blooded person. Warm hands and feet; always kicks off blankets.
2. Nervous, lean, eccentric looking.
3. You can spot a sulphur in a crowd due to his unruly long hair, and
outgoing selection of clothing (sometimes wearing the same clothes week after week.)
4. Sits in a chair with his entire body involved.
5. Paces the floor, cannot stand still in one spot.
6. Cannot wear wool clothing, gets super itchy.
7. Health complaints are always relapsing.
8. Noon and midnight are the worst aggravations for sulphurs.
9. It has to be "his idea", not someone elses.
10. Reads a lot of books, retaining everything.
11. Can teach a class better than the instructor.
12. A sulphur "scholar" does not worry about his physical appearance.
13. Messy house does not matter to sulphur. He is indifferent.
14. Offensive body odors.

15. Intolerance of artificial heaters indoors. They make him "stuffy".
16. Chronic skin eruptions (eczema, dry itchy psoriasis, boils, and acne.)
17. Lots of anxiety. Dislike of criticism, suppression, and being scorned.
18. Embarassment is extremely humiliating.
19. Much struggling for ego and honor.
20. Sulphur "idealists" are usually dogamatic and cannot be swayed.
21. Absent minded "professor" type, neglecting practical aspects of their lives.
22. Sulphurs make excellent teachers.
23. Sulphurs want to do things whenever they want to, not when told to.
24. Known for drinking large amounts of alcohol.
25. Charming to the opposite sex. Many sulphurs are womanizers.
26. Having many partners. Openly flirting with women, but hopelessly dependent on their wives, emotionally and practically.
27. Sulphurs are great in promoting themselves.
28. Lots of self confidence, gifted and enterprising.
29. Preferring self employment. Likes his independence and freedom.
30. Has knowledge of a broad range of subjects, highly intellectual.
31. Most have no formal education and are self taught (born an intellectual genius.)
32. Sulphurs like an audience.
33. Sulphurs do not care about being socially acceptable.
34. Relates to all walks of life, young and old.
35. Individualist, independent.
36. Childish persona.
37. Lots of self confidence, boasting about his achievements.
38. When it comes to a goal or passion, sulphur dives into it 1000%, whether it is a negative obsession or work related project.
39. Protective of his family, the wife is "queen" in his eyes.
40. Sulphur feels like a child of the universe.
41. Often unbearable to live with, cynical and feeling sorry for themselves causing insecurities.
42. Becoming aloof, guarded, and with a self doubt.
43. Worries about the future.
44. Revels in argument or anecdote.
Note: The "clinical" symptoms of sulphur have not been discussed such as skin afflictions, lymphatic, cardiovascular and urinary systems. For that, most homeopathic Materia Medica's have lists of information. This article pertains more to the "essence" of sulphur.
